Sunday, March 10, 2013

Gavin: On Marriage

The other day Gavin says to me, "Mom, are you really the boss?" I said, "what do you mean?" He explains, "Well, Dad says that he's the boss of Olivia and me but you're the boss of everyone." He then continues to tell me that he never wants to get married because he always wants to be the boss of himself. I told him that I am not the boss of his dad but he was not convinced. After some thought, he decided that he was ok with me being the boss and that he wants to just live with us forever.


Missy said...

I love this conversation - haha! I'm really glad you get to be the boss of everyone. And so sweet he's going to stay forever. ;)

Emily Adamson said...

I love this. I hope Graham decides he wants to live with us forever!